Tuesday, July 20, 2004

New Job

The big news for this week is that I have a new job.  I will be working for NaviMedix.  The same development environment and a few similar aims but a lot more technology to get involved with.  I am really excited it is going to be fun!

Vacation Backlog

I have just gotten back from 10 days vacation in Europe. This was mainly seeing my parents but I had a wonderful weekend in Switzerland. I have a huge backlog of posts to wade through so it might take a while.


A thanks to Sam Gentile for bringing this to my attention. I have not looked through all the capabilities since my main interest is with the concurrency capabilities. There is not yet a simple solution to specifying concurrency constraints and I am not sure from a first look that this provides one.

It is certainly powerful but I don't think that is the point. The aim is to be easy to use. I'll write again when I have a chance to grok these things

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Desktop metadata

There was an interesting article on using metadata on the desktop. This is along similar lines to those that I have been thinking about with my decent library. Maybe I should be extending those ideas. Anyone else interested in this?

Friday, July 02, 2004


Hi and Welcome to Tim's Tech Talk. I have been blogging for a few years even if very sparsely over at Tim's Blog but now I am diversifying into a more purely technical blog. The subjects will be primarily Microsoft but I will also cover a few other subjects like OO Development, Agile Development (and methodologies in general), Design patterns and anything else that interests me. I hope you enjoy - please pass the word.