Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Startup Boston EdTech Panel

Attended an interesting Panel discussion as part of the StartupBoston week.  An interesting group that clearly all believed in the value of education.  I had a few takeaways:

  • There is plenty of scope for advanced technology (AI) in the learnign process but it is not going to replace the teacher any time soon.
  • Universities have a poor understanding of what they do.  Award degrees might be the obvious answer but there are some many other components to it.  Prepare a student for a career,  create good citizens, the list could go on.  This leads to ambiguity in requirements for support systems for colleges.
  • Education as a vertical is a little hobbled by desire 'to do no harm', that stifles innovation.

Overall I found the session very interesting.  I think that Boston is in a unique position to really make a difference in the education field and I would live to be part of that.
